Ideal Graduate Profile
1. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is a committed Christ-like servant and leader in his or her family, church, community, college and adult life, and is able to define, enhance and articulate his or her faith.
2. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate has a Christian worldview and understands his or her responsibility to lead a life that reflects Christian values and principles.
3. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is equipped to deal with real-life situations as a person of faith, character and integrity, demonstrating Christ-like love for everyone.
4. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is prepared for higher education with a strong academic and spiritual foundation enabling him or her to compete at the college or university of their choosing.
5. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is knowledgeable in the use of technology, exhibiting superior skills in its applications.
6. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is an effective verbal and written communicator, applying critical thinking skills and thoughtful problem solving in a confident, persuasive and respectful manner.
7. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate has identified and developed his or her intellectual, artistic, athletic gifts from God and is prepared to use them to His glory.
8. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Bible, submits to accountability with fellow believers, and is able to apply its absolute truth in everyday life.
9. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate demonstrates effective study skills and is motivated to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest.
10. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate has an understanding of and is able to apply ideas and skills in math, science, social studies, history, fine arts, foreign language, technology and personal money management.
11. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is a responsible and patriotic citizen who understands and appreciates our Christian heritage, American Republic and Western culture.
12. A CHRISTIAN ACADEMY graduate is committed to the lifelong pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, and exhibits the confidence, commitment and skills required for such.
Academic Goals
1. | Enable students to develop creative thinking and critical thinking skills in academic subjects using the Bible as their standard of faith. |
2. | Assist families in preparing their children for future education. |
3. | Recognize and develop the individual personality, intellectual abilities, and unique gifts and talents of each student. |
4. | Help each student use appropriate effort to reach his or her full academic maximum. |
5. | Teach students to develop and apply effective study skills and motivate them to pursue independent study in areas of personal interest. |
6. | Help each student gain a command of the fundamental processes used in communicating and dealing with others through subjects such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, mathematics and character building. |
7. | Enable students to learn, show an understanding of, and apply ideas and skills in science, social studies, history, fine arts, computer science, foreign language, and personal money management. |
8. | Teach students to reason logically. |
9. | Promote responsible citizenship in each student through the development of understanding and appreciation of our Christian heritage, our American Republic and our Western culture. |
10. | Provide adequate facilities, equipment, and materials for the educational process while avoiding unnecessary expenditures or any unsound financial practice. |
11. | Teach students the foundation issues and beliefs of the different worldviews present in our Western civilization. |
12. | Help each student develop his or her skills in analysis, synthesis, interpretation, and application to encourage intellectual growth and reflect in their daily lives a Biblical world and life view. |
13. | Promote an appreciation for our free enterprise system of government, respect for the property of others, work ethic and honest business practices. |
14. | Instill patriotism and respect in each student for the freedoms we have, and challenge him or her to seek out his/her role in preserving these freedoms. |
Emotional & Social Goals
1. | Help each student realize that he or she is a unique individual created in the image of God. |
2. | Help each student develop a sense of competence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward the opportunity and privilege of learning. |
3. | Help each student realize there are consequences for actions. |
4. | Help children to have an eternal perspective in their approach to decision making. |
5. | Promote an understanding of time and the effective use of it. |
6. | Teach students to treat others with love and respect, recognizing each child's unique heritage. |
7. | Help each student understand that he or she is God's representative and has the ability and responsibility to respond in a Biblical way to situations and circumstances. |
8. | Impart Biblical attitudes in students toward material things. |
9. | Help students become competent leaders. |
10. | Offer the students opportunities to develop positive social skills and healthy friendships, learning to resolve disagreements in Biblical ways. |
11. | Instill in each student respect for the authority of the parents, school, and government. |
12. | Encourage and provide opportunities for community service. |
Spiritual & Moral Goals
1. | Teach the Bible as God's inspired Word. |
2. | Teach the basic doctrines of the Bible along with its principles and precepts. |
3. | Help students develop an awareness of God's love and grace as revealed through Jesus Christ. |
4. | Help students develop a desire to know and obey God's will. |
5. | Help each student acquire a sense of values and virtues such as honesty, compassion, self-discipline, courage, responsibility, respect of authority, loyalty, perseverance, hard work, courtesy, fidelity, persistence, and commitment. |