![Logo for Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach](http://www.christianacademysaints.org/editoruploads/images/Logos/logo.png)
... will teach every aspect of your child: the head, the heart, and the hands.
What students learn in school continues far beyond what is taught in the classroom.
... will broaden their horizons beyond the classroom and prepare them for success in life.
Schools are places where children explore their abilities and are challenged to expand their horizons. Our 1 to 15 teacher/student ratio encourages students to take risks in exploring their interests and discovering their gifts. Upper school students are required to complete 30 hours each year in community service, and many exceed that total.
... will offer the very best academic opportunities to fulfill ambitions for life after graduation.
Schools are places where students interact with outstanding educators as part of a highly successful academic program. Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach is accredited by ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), AdvancEd and SCISA (South Carolina Independent School Association). Christian Academy received STEM certification through SCISA in 2018.
... will encourage development of strong, life-long friendships with both peers and faculty.
Schools are places where friendships are made and enduring lessons are learned. Stability among students and staff is foundational to success. Going to school where you know people and where you are known bonds the student to the school and provides a rich treasure of long-term relationships.
...will be a place where values are taught, modeled, and expressed throughout the school.
Many schools can provide a good education, safe environment, ample extracurricular opportunities and good friends. Only a Christian school can blend each of these into a cohesive whole where strong personal values and integrity combine with a Christian worldview to become the cornerstone of a student's life. At the heart of Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach are our values. Not simply words, but actions lived and shared with every student each day. Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach is the best school for your child because each day is an experience in learning values, and seeking God's will.
* article adapted from Hilton Head Christian Academy