Kindergarten- $7,839
Grades 1st and 2nd- $9,556
Grades 3rd-8th- $10,180
Grades 9th-12th- $11,242
- $325 Curriculum Fee per student at the time of enrollment/re-enrollment with a maximum fee of $1000.00 per family.
The tuition billing cycle runs June through May, thus the first tuition payment is due June 1st. The tuition payment plans and financial commitment automatically renew annually for the duration of your child’s enrollment
-Payment options are:
A. Annual Tuition - Pay in full on or before June 1, 2025.
B. Semi-Annual Tuition - Half tuition is due on or before June 1,2025; half due on or before December 1, 2025
C. Quarterly Tuition- Due June 2025, Sept 2025, December 2025, and March 2026
D. Monthly bank drafts (12 months)-
First monthly tuition payment is due June 1, 2025 for the school year beginning
August 2025. The following monthly payment figures are based upon enrollment
as of June 1, 2025:
K- $653.25 (x12mos); Grades 1-2 $796.34 (x12mos);
Grades 3-8 $848.34 (x12mos); Grades 9-12 -$936.84 (x12mos)
For students who enroll after June 2025, monthly tuition payments will be calculated by the number of months remaining to be paid in full by May 2026.
-Please keep in mind that tuition is due on the 1st of each payment month. As a courtesy, we offer a variety of other dates for the drafts to occur without late charges. These other dates do not negate the actual due date of the 1st of each month.
Families enrolling with three children will receive a 50% discount on the third child’s tuition. Families with four children will receive 50% discount on the third child’s tuition and 75% on the fourth child’s tuition.
These discounts may be available to qualifying families. Please see our business manager for details.
*LEGACY DISCOUNT- Christian Academy Graduates who enroll their children to attend Christian Academy will receive a 25% discount on their student’s tuition.
*ACCOUNT BALANCE- Account balances should be current for students to re-enroll for the upcoming year. Report cards, student records, and transcripts will be withheld for non-current accounts.
*529 PLANS- 529 plan funds may be used to pay for K-12 tuition. However, Christian Academy is unable to draft these funds directly from these plans. Arrangements must be made to have these funds available in your bank account for ACH debit or a checked mailed directly to the school before the first of each month. Checks should be made payable to Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach with the student’s name in the memo.
*Tuition payments and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable*
*Only one discount type may be applied per student including financial aid*