Bonnie Huggins

Prior to entering the education field, Bonnie Huggins had an extensive career in business including experience in sales, marketing, management, and human resources. In 2007, Mrs. Huggins, decided to make a career change and bring her business and technology experience to the classroom. At Socastee High School, Mrs. Huggins taught courses in hospitality management & operations, marketing, management, and technology applications. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Huggins was an advisor for DECA and a school-based enterprise.
Mrs. Huggins and her husband discovered Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach when seeking the best educational opportunity for their oldest son. Through his experience in kindergarten, the Huggins family fell in love with the academic excellence, Christ-centered, and family oriented environment at CA. Mrs. Huggins was encouraged to pray about an opportunity to teach at Christian Academy. The family’s prayers were answered when a teaching position became available the same year the youngest Huggins son began kindergarten.
As a member of the Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach faculty, Mrs. Huggins has contributed to the expansion of STEM curriculum by teaching courses in science, technology, and engineering to middle and high school students. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Huggins has served CA through STEM curriculum development, technology support, professional development, and yearbook advisor.
Mrs. Huggins’ favorite verse is Ephesians 6:10-11
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”